Saturday, January 17, 2009

There must be something in the water...

...because another woman at work is pregnant! The restaurant that I work at doesn't have an overly large staff, especially when it comes to the female population, but three women are pregnant. One is due in about seven weeks, one is seven weeks along, and one is fourteen weeks along. Our kitchen is very small, we don't have room for three pregnant women! All kidding aside, it's still pretty exciting.

Outside of the exciting news that someone is expecting, we had a rather slow day at work...not too many people coming for breakfast, I suppose. However, my station was our upstairs seating area, which means running up and down the stairs eight million times (okay, not quite eight million, but one of these days I'm actually going to count...I bet it's a lot of stairs). Naturally I still had to run when I got home, so my legs were a little tired from the "exercise" known as my job. Following Hal Higdon's Intermediate II plan, the goal was five miles at marathon pace. Of course, I haven't really decided what that is yet, but it's probably somewhere between 3:20-3:30...hopefully. Therefore, this is what I came up with today:

Saturday, January 17
5.11 miles in 39:25, avg pace of 7:43

Maybe I'll shoot for 3:25...still to be determined. Long run tomorrow of ten miles, we'll see how that turns out since the day after running the stairs is usually worse than the day of. Now, time for my work holiday party!!

Does anyone out there have a job that is demanding physically? How does this affect your running in terms of workouts or rest days? This is of interest to me because I'm going to be a nurse, and I have yet to figure out how running and possible twelve hour shifts work together.


  1. My job isn't physically demanding, but I regularly put in 12 hour days. You just have to figure out what you're willing to give up. It shocks me sometimes how I manage to keep my life going and get everything done while working 60-70 hours/week, but my mom works 9-5 and says she has no time. I think it's all about balance and just monitoring your time carefully. It's so easy for me to just browse around the internet and waste time, but if I set some sort of schedule for myself and commit certain time to working out, I can make it happen!

  2. i only work 3 days a week, so i try to do my harder workouts on the days i don't work. the problem is, i also belong to a crossfit gym where i go twice a week, and i can only go there on the days i don't have work as well.

    you'll figure it out. there might be some rearranging of the workout schedule ... i've had to do two long runs in one week on more than one occasion. also, make sure you get comfortable shoes for work!!! i started out with Dansko clogs but now wear MBTs. so far i think they're worth every penny.

    good luck! :)
